Welcome to our lands! At BILI we believe in global partnership for achieving sustainable reforms worldwide. Share the journey with us.
The Bulgarian Institute for Legal Initiatives (BILI) was founded in 2006 as a foundation designated in public interest. The Institute is an independent and non-partisan organization developing policies, monitoring and analysis with a focus on the reform in the judiciary and the establishment of a more transparent, accountable and predictable governance.
Key part of our enterprise is the maintenance of an active NGO network that concentrates mutual efforts and resources in the area of justice, affects the general public and influences the development of the democratic processes in the state.
BILI has initiated a number of positions, public declarations and statements related to key issues of public interest. One of our leading principles is the affirmation that tangible and sustainable results may be achieved through a consequent and structured partnership with state institutions.
In 2012 BILI was awarded with the Golden Key Prize by the Access to Public Information Program for its active work in judicial reform development in Bulgaria. Two years later, one of our flagship projects (Transparent Judicial Appointments Initiative) was noted in the GRECO report (the part describing the situation in Bulgaria) as the only good practice against corruption. Our research and analysis are repeatedly cited in the European Commission reports on Bulgaria's progress under the Mechanism for Cooperation and Verification.
The high-qualified experts of the Institute participate in programs and projects promoting regional and international cooperation and are motivated to share their skills and experience with other countries aspiring to achieve sustainable reforms.
Our projects:
Large part of our work has always been oriented towards educating people and other legal professionals about the necessity to have a judicial system which is transparent, predictable and reliable. BILI is leading various activities related to the institutional reform process in Bulgaria. Information about these projects and methodologies are also available in our specialized web platforms Judicialprofiles.bg and Appointmentsboard.bg.
BILI is active member of:
- Council on Implementation of the Updated Strategy for continuation of the reform of the judicial system to the Ministry of Justice;
- The Civic Council to the National Council for Anti-Corruption Policies (NCACP) to the Council of Ministers;
- The National Council for Cooperation on Ethnic and Integration Issues to the Council of Ministers;
- The Council for the Coordination of the Participation of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Global Open Government Partnership Initiative;
Our goals
- Establishing the Rule of Law in Bulgaria;
- Fostering the dialogue among civil society, business, the executive, the judicial, and the legislative branches;
- Establishing good governance as mechanism of sustainable political system;
- Assisting the process of harmonization of Bulgarian legislation with European and international legal standards;
- Supporting the maintenance and improvement of the qualification of lawyers, judges, prosecutors, mediators and other legal professionals.